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World Enough Writers Publications

Three Hearts

Cover art by Jen Strongin

Three Hearts:
An Anthology of Cephalopod Poetry

Edited by Sierra Nelson

Three Hearts: An Anthology of Cephalopod Poetry features the lyrical work of 129 contributors, including poems, prose poems, art, and more, inspired by the Octopus, Squid, Cuttlefish, Chambered Nautilus, Ammonite, and Nautiloids.

This core-sample of contemporary, cephalopod-inspired writing reflects the variety of ways cephalopods intersect with our human lives and enter our creative inner worlds. The poems range in tone and style: heartbreaking, strange, reverent, funny, inspired by facts, steeped in the personal. Some poems feature speakers longing to be a cephalopod, or take on a first-person perspective: human mirror neurons firing empathetically like a squid’s reflective iridophores. Many of the narrative pieces focus on a meaningful encounter between a human and a cephalopod. All over the world, in liminal spaces between earth, air, and sea—on the shore, by a tidepool, on a dock, on a boat, while swimming, while diving, in an aquarium, in a lab—so many human beings are having a moment with a cephalopod, which gives me some hope for humanity.

Purr and Yowl

Cover art by Deborah DeWit

Purr and Yowl:
An Anthology of Poetry About Cats

Edited by David D. Horowitz

Cats lick, nuzzle, play, slink, hunt, purr, and yowl, and millions of people are fascinated by them. Among those millions are the poets who contributed work to this anthology. No matter what their gender, orientation, ethnic background, or political and religious views, these poets share a fascination with cats-and despite sometimes bewildering or frustrating us humans, felines provide us pleasure, love, and purpose. So, bless cats. Hooray for cats! And thank you to this anthology's poets for describing and celebrating them in so many different, engaging ways.

Read a review of Purr and Yowl by Steve Potter in Raven Chronicles

Coffee Poems: reflections of life with coffee

Cover photo by Lorraine Healy

Coffee Poems:
reflections on life with coffee

Edited by Lorraine Healy

Coffee Poems contains 167 richly-roasted, verbally aromatic poems by poets from 34 states, 5 provinces, and 12 countries: Australia, Bangladesh, Cambodia, Canada, France, Ghana, Hungary, Ireland, Italy, Singapore, Spain, and the United States.

Included among the 139 poets who give voice to these poems are Ellen Bass, Margo Berdeshevsky, Joel Brouwer, Barbara Crooker, Kwame Dawes, Stephen Dobyns, Martín Espada, Dorianne Laux, Joseph Millar, Alicia Ostriker, Francesca Pellegrino, Alberto Álvaro Ríos, Care Santos, Vivian Shipley, Michael Waters, and Cecilia Woloch

Whether central to the poem or sitting on a side table, a mere accessory; whether a prop in an internal conversation with a you absent these 25 years or a desperately needed substance without which there is no facing the day, a cup of coffee inhabits each of these poems...Breathe in the scent and may it keep you awake.

Beware of Dog
Beware of Dog
Jim Teeters


These are story poems that will make you laugh, scratch your head, and maybe shed a tear. School kids will discover a mirror image of their lives in these poems, both wonderful and scary. For parents or teachers, each poem is a great entryway to life lessons.

Featuring cover art by Zoe Hickman.

Last Call: The Anthology of Beer, Wine & Spirits Poetry

Cover photo by Lorraine Healy

Last Call:
The Anthology of Beer, Wine & Spirits Poetry

Edited by James Bertolino

Editor James Bertolino has assembled a diverse and exciting collection of poems that articulates all things alcoholic. Within these pages you will discover Odes, poems about writing, poems set in bars, poems in celebration, poems of grief and loss, humorous poems, poems about nature, and much more.

Last Call contains 177 poems from poets in 31 states and 4 countries: US, Canada, India, and South Korea. Included among the 159 poets who give voice to these poems are Judith Barrington, Ellen Bass, Barbara Crooker, Mark Donnelly, Timons Esaias, Paul Hostovsky, Meg Kearney, Tod Marshall, Kathleen McClung, and Michael Waters.

"This anthology has drawn poems from coast-to-coast, and while alcohol is mentioned in some way in each poem, the poems deal with a wide range of topics, issues, and experiences. It was a delight to read and select work for this spirited gathering of poem.

And now, a toast to all the writers, and readers, who will spend time with this book:

The Toast

May you always have art to charm
your days, a sensible hearth,
and friends as dependable as gravity.
May the wind and creatures be as music
to your evenings alone, and may your dreams
leave you renewed. May you have an appaloosa
to ride the outline of blue hills, and nothing
that sickens, and no black sticks."
  —James Bertolino, Editor

The Trident Poems
The Trident Poems
Korkut Onaran

“Korkut Onaran’s ruminative first full-length collection is filled with reflection, keen observation, and emotional experience. Any artist of sound, image, or word will identify with these insightful, breathtaking poems. Onaran is the Hafiz for our century.”   —Lana Hechtman Ayers

Ice Cream Poems
Ice Cream Poems
Edited by Patricia Fargnoli

Ice cream, ice cream, who wants ice cream? Hundreds of poets not only said a resounding "yes," but wrote about it. And from those hundreds, we selected the 125 poems you will find here from 27 different states plus Australia, France, Iraq, Spain, and Tunisia.

The poems are as various as the flavors of ice cream: long poems, short poems, and in addition to traditional free-verse narratives and lyrics: experimental poems, poems in forms such as sestinas, sapphics, sonnets, prose poems.

"When I accepted the job of editing, I wondered if I'd be bored by so many poems about ice cream; I wondered whether there would be hundreds of poems about The Good Humor Man or Dairy Queen. But I needn't have worried, I was never bored. The Good Humor Man and Dairy Queen poems were there, of course, but I was amazed by the wide variety of subjects: light humorous poems, sweet poems, lusty poems, dark poems, poems about childhood memories, a poem about Obama's first date, and a poem with Paul Newman in it."
  —Patricia Fargnoli, Editor, author of Hallowed (Tupelo Press, 2017)

Mrs. Nelson's Class
Mrs. Nelson's Class
Edited by Marilyn Nelson

On May 17, 1954, the U.S. Supreme Court ruled in the case of Brown v. Board of Education of Topeka, Kansas that state-sanctioned segregation of public schools is unconstitutional.

In September 1954, in an Air Force base school near Salina, Kansas, young African American teacher Mrs. Johnnie Mitchell Nelson became the teacher of a second grade class of twenty white children. Mrs. Nelson knew, but did her pupils understand they were making history together?

Through a class roster of persona poems by poets Doug Anderson, Martha Collins, Alfred Corn, Annie Finch, Helen Frost, Margaret Gibson, Jeanine Hathaway, Andrew Hudgins, Mark Jarman, Peter Johnson, Meg Kearney, Ron Koertge, David Mason, Leslie Monsour, Dinty W. Moore, Marilyn Nelson, Lesléa Newman, Michael Palma, Michael Waters, and Katherine Williams, this anthology presents Mrs. Nelson and her class, imagining how she and her students may have experienced their unique situation

Every Wound Has A Rhythm
James Bertolino's Every Wound Has A Rhythm now available for purchase on Amazon.

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Wallace, Idaho
Linda L. Beeman's Wallace, Idaho now available for purchase on Amazon.

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Abraham's Voices
Lorraine Healy's Abraham's Voices now available for purchase on Amazon.

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